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How To Create A Bee-friendly Garden


Home Improvement

How To Create A Bee-friendly Garden

With more than 200 species of bee on earth, more and more gardeners are doing their best to plant a bee-garden. Your well-planned garden can provide nest sites and food for bees during their active period from March until October.

These species provide us with an invaluable service by pollinating the plants we grow. Whether you have a small or big garden, bees help you produce quality fruits and flowers. If you want to attract them to visit your garden, grow flowers and plants. Once they identify the flowers and plants, they started arriving with other bees. It’s perfectly okay if the bees are living in the backyard, but if they have made a hive in the wall, reach out to bee removal services Orange County to have professional help. Did you know, bees can travel 6 miles to identify the flowers and plants along with other fellow bees. 

Among hundreds of the bees, the famous one is a red-tailed bumblebee, and it can make holes in the garden and the walls. The other six common bees are a honeybee, common carder bumblebee, garden bumblebee, early bumblebee, whitetail bumblebee, and southern cuckoo bumblebee. During the spring season, these species help each other to find flowers and plants traveling extensively. 

Creating Homes of your Honey bee

In recent times we have noticed a drastic change in overall climate situation. Even the Bee species are declining due to numerous factors. Bees pollinate almost one-third of our crops. It is evident that without these little bugs, fresh fruit and vegetables will become far more costly and less available.

There are several techniques to attract bees in the garden. For instance, you can make homes for bees because the Queen bumblebee seeks out places to hibernate in autumn and early winter, often in old vole and shrew holes. They then emerge in late winter and early spring finding a place to state a nest. You can provide a cozy, safe home for them to hibernate in by creating a nest using natural and trash material.

Not every bee live in large colonies, only a few of them together. To make loners feel at home in your garden with bee bed and breakfast pick a place where human activity is minimum and children, pets are unable to disturb them. Ideally, it is a haven for bees.

Bees are sensitive species, and they required water to suck the pollinate to produce nectar and make your plants more productivity. They help us to provide an abundance of fruits if we design the environment to fly and suck freely. The bumblebee has a unique living structure where Queen is the head of the tribe, and the rest are the working drones. Each drone assigned to collect the food for the Queen. Drones motivate one another to bring unity to grow the community.

Bee board -You can use the old piece of lumber and drill tiny holes. Ensure that the lumber has not been treated with chemicals. Fix the board where it is dry and cool in the winter. Make sure it is safe for the rainy days. Making a little roof is recommended if you don’t have a suitable place. You can take them into your garage and storeroom in the winter to prevent them from getting wet. Make sure the site is arid and humid.

Provide shelter-  Bumblebees are always attracted to the sheltered and shady corners. Include a few upturned/broken plant pots with some points of entry for added shelter.

Plant for the season- To attract more bees grow flowers in every season. It is also essential to grow a variety of flowers and plants to attract bees. If you successfully grow enough flowers and plants, then you have a hundred bees daily visits in your garden.

Find the right flowers- Many plants have been bred to have lots of petals, but these make it hard to access the nectar. So go for more open plants. The RHS perfect for pollinators tags are helpful and also look out for those that are already attracting bees.

Get Potting- Consider planting seasonal containers with bee-friendly plants in your small garden.

Avoid pesticides- Pesticides are harmful to your bumblebees, so avoid them. Even if you want to remove bees, make sure the Orange County bee removal service provider you hire does not use pesticides.

Provide a source of water- Install a small water basin and ensure the fill of water daily to ensure your bees never remain thirsty.

Today, honey bees face two most significant challenges, i.e., lack of food and space. Although bees need natural meadows to forage for food, urban gardens do provide an important supplemental source of food. If you want to feed the bees and help them keep healthy, plant the following plants in your garden. Trees and Hedging plants are in flowers can be an excellent food source of bees. Hedges can also provide the best nesting sites.

●   Purple flowers

●   Mints

●   Herbaceous perennials

●   Single flowers

●   Native flowering species

●   Tubular flowers

If you have a large garden, you may be able to support a small bee colony yourself.  You can do this even in an urban garden, no law forbids it (although it’s probably a good idea to notify your neighbors). It is very important to familiarize yourself with beekeeping legislation to ensure your beekeeping practices comply with all the regulations. Above all, you’ll need to be prepared to be patient, as beekeeping is a painstaking, long-term process. Maintain your garden equipment to provide a favorable environment for Bees.

Finally, make sure you aren’t allergic to bee stings, as you will get stung at some point. Have no fear, as bees are not aggressive unless they feel threatened. Call the bee removal services Orange County if you want to remove bees. If the effort involved doesn’t put you off, beekeeping can be highly rewarding and fun. You can start by reading a book about beekeeping to see if you want to pursue it further.

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