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How Bee Removal Orange County Does Their Job


Home Improvement

How Bee Removal Orange County Does Their Job

So, let us get down to the business of bee removal orange county. Bees get themselves into many different situations, hence the fact there are various types of bee removal cases. When you encounter bees on your premises for the first time, it can be really nerve-racking. There are times when you can just wait it out and let the bees move out at their own time. Bees change their hive position, whenever the bee colony gets too big for the hive. However, there are instances when the beehive will not budge and will hang around without end.


Regardless of your situation, bee removal orange county is glad to help you and answer all your questions. Any good bee removal service will let you know very quickly that bees are a vital part of the ecosystem that is unfortunately declining. The media has been giving the situation a lot of attention to try to help inform and educate the public. Although it is important to protect them, it does not mean to inconvenience yourself and the ones around you by sharing your living space with them. Again, we need bees, but there are certain species of bees that can damage your home or become very threatening.


Get To Know Bees

Before selecting the means of removing the bee colony, it is essential to find out the species of these pollinating insects. You never know, they could be bees, but they could be wasps or hornets as well. It helps to figure out the damages and the threat of stings you might receive. Also, some species of bees need a particular form of treatment.


Bumble Bees

Only when they feel a threat will they become aggressive. Bumble bees like to make their home in loose, fluffy objects and sometimes underground too.


Carpenter Bees

Carpenter bees are oval in shape and like to burrow into surfaces and leave flawless three-eights inch holes. They are loners, and besides the fact they can drill holes in wood, they hardly ever destroy structural beams. On the other hand, each nest can populate, in the long run sabotaging the neighboring surface wood.


Honey Bees

Although honey bees are not hostile and very advantageous towards the environment, their nests or hives are heavy and create thousands of workers. Honey bees are the only species of bees where relocating them from your home is the best option.

Bee removal orange county realizes that many people are confused about the difference between wasps and bees since they look so much alike. However, wasps are more aggressive than bees. The most common types of wasps are the following:



Hornets are a warlike species of wasps that construct external paper nests that resemble an upside down teardrop.


Yellow Jackets

They have a distinctive black and yellow jacket and build nests very much like hornets. Although they like to build nests within walls and can slowly but surely chomp through drywall or surface wood.


Ground Bees

Ground bees are a smaller species of yellow jacket that are apt to building nests between two inches and two feet underground, mostly in deserted burrows. This species easily gets angry and can get very aggressive.



Wasps are long and thin. When they are in flight you can notice that their legs hang. Generally, they colonize attics and cars and can administer a painful sting.

As mentioned before, a bee removal specialist can find these honey-making insects in various different situations. Here are the many instances you can find bees in:



Swarms are migrating bees that are en route to a new address. There are usually about a hundred to a thousand bees in a swarm. When seeing a swarm in the air, it resembles a moving cloud of bees. Swarms landing on a branch usually form a bulky, solid ball of bees.



Colonies happen when a swarm selects a place and calls it home. They pick out hollow dented spaces where they will be guarded against predators and atmospheric conditions. They create honeycombs, breed more bees, and hoard food. If a colony of bees feels threatened, they will defend their space.



Scouts are the bees that the other bees send out to explore other possible nesting locations before bringing out the entire swarm to move in.


Exposed Colonies

An exposed colony is a colony of bees that is not in an empty space but in an open space. These types of colonies are unusual due to the fact that urbanized areas give many place for bees to call home. In fact, some bees still build in dense trees and other open areas such as the eaves of homes, under piles of junk, and under decks, patios and garden furniture.


Foraging Bees

These types of bees are kind of like the shopaholics of the bee community. They are responsible for grocery shopping or foraging for food such as pollen, nectar, and water.


Once a bee removal expert has identified the species of the insect and the situation they are creating around your home, they can go in to clear them. If they are honey bees, most likely they will be removed without harm and relocated to a place where they can live peacefully. The bee removal expert will proceed to block the area or areas where bees can make a home around your residential or commercial premises, to prevent further bee nesting invasions.


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